Jumat, 21 Februari 2014

This sleek gesture-control armband can now be used to pilot a robot onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com

Written By 12; About: This sleek gesture-control armband can now be used to pilot a robot onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com on Jumat, 21 Februari 2014

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com This sleek gesture-control armband can now be used to pilot a robot

This sleek gesture-control armband can now be used to pilot a robot S

If we're ever going to build remote-control Jaegers, we're going to need something just like this. It's the Thalmic Myo Armband, and as you'll see in this video, it was just used to control an unmanned robotic vehicle.

The Myo Armband can be used to control an assortment of electronic gadgets, including toys, computers, consumer electronics, video games. In this instance, it was used by a company called Clearpath Robotics to control its Husky Unmanned Vehicle. In the video, you can see the operator making it go forward, reverse, turn left and right, change velocity, and stop.

It works by tracking the electrical activity from a user's muscles to determine which sorts of gesture their hand is making. The band is equipped with sensors to monitor the rotation of both the user's hand and forearm. Importantly, it also features haptic feedback to let users know that a gesture has been received by the device. Eventually, this feature could be used to convey tension or the weight of an object — like the blow from a massive ocean-dwelling creature.

Gesture-control technology could also be used to guide military-grade robots, including DARPA's pack mule which can currently be controlled via voice commands.

[Inventor Spot]

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com This sleek gesture-control armband can now be used to pilot a robot