Fully formed Teeth found in Brain Tumor Fully formed Teeth found in Brain Tumor
Im Gehirn eines 4 Monate alten Säuglings hat man während der Entfernung eines Hirntumors ein paar voll ausgebildete Zähne gefunden. In einem Hirntumor! Zähne! Nature, go home you’re drunk!
A 4-month-old infant in Maryland may be the first person to have had teeth form in his brain as a result of a specific type of rare brain tumor, according to a new report of the case. The boy is doing well now that his tumor has been removed, and doctors say the case sheds light on how these rare tumors develop.
The child underwent brain surgery to have the tumor removed, during which doctors found that the tumor contained several fully formed teeth, according to the report.
Baby’s Rare Brain Tumor Had Teeth (via io9) Fully formed Teeth found in Brain Tumor