Too long have vampires been portrayed as heroes, lovers, fops, and/or glitter-covered emotional disasters. We remember a time when vampires were monsters, and the only reason they were trying to get into your teenage daughter's bedroom was to drink their blood and murder them. Here are eight vampires who refuse to be defanged by modern society's infatuation with them.
1) Count Orlok, Nosferatu
Let's begin with the granddaddy of all terrifying vampires, Count Orlok. Created by German director F.W. Murnau when he couldn't get the film rights to Bram Stoker's Dracula novel, Orlok does pretty much everything Dracula does, but while looking like an albino Uruk-Hai from Lord of the Rings, and almost instantly abandoning the pretense that he might just be an eccentric European noble. Once Orlok gets the deed to a house in Wisborg, he just starts killing people, and doesn't stop until he gets so caught up in drinking pretty, pure-hearted Ellen's blood that he forgets to check his watch.
2) Russell Edgington, True Blood
One of the oldest vampires in the series, one of the most powerful, and one of the craziest as well, Russell does not care for humans. Now that doesn't mean he necessarily kills every one he sees, but he's more than willing to disrupt the uneasy peace between the humans and the vampires by killing a TV news reporter while she's live on the air, and basically announcing that vampires will rule them. In fact, Russell is so anti-human he worked with the Nazis in World War II, just to maximize the death. He's spent millennia killing people, to the point of sending out packs of werewolves to decimate whole towns. And he once killed a Celtic king for not giving him a goat. Do not fuck with Russell.
3) Alucard, Hellsing
Alucard is the most powerful being in the Hellsing organization, which is tasked with protecting England from supernatural threats. That means he technically works for the good guys, but do not be confused — Alucard just really enjoys terrorizing and killing people, and his job provides him with the ability to do that. He has the power to turn into anyone and anything, although he is partial to giant hellhounds and massive inky blobs of darkness full of bloodshot eyes and fanged mouths. He's supernaturally good in combat, especially with his two guns, but if he fights you, he doesn't just want to defeat you, he wants to destroy you completely, mentally and physically. Actually, he enjoys it when anybody tries to murder pretty much anybody, including when people try to kill him. It never works, but he always appreciates the effort.
4) Skinner Sweet, American Vampire
The protagonist of Scott Snyder's Vertigo comic, Skinner Sweet is not just the first vampire in America, but the first of a new breed of vampire — one that's stronger and faster than other vampires, and also impervious to sunlight. Before his transformation, Skinner was your run-of-the-mill murderer/outlaw when a vampire's blood fell into his eye when he was trying to escape his own hanging. After being buried for 20 years, he escaped and basically went on a massive murder spree, basically killing everyone who had ever pissed him off while he was alive, and pretty much everyone else he met along the way. Since then, he has been a vampire pimp, injected a pregnant woman's unborn baby with vampire blood, and joined World War II for fun.
5) Severen, Near Dark
In Katheryn Bigelow's 1987 vampire-western hybrid, a pack of vampires comes to a small ranching town and does their business of feeding on the locals and mildly terrorizing them. But Bill Paxton's Severen isn't as worried about feeding as he is about having fun, and what's fun for him is murder, evidenced by this amazing scene where he wanders into a bar and kills everyone in there. Just for kicks. This is not a vampire you want dating your teenage daughter.
6) Marlowe, 30 Days of Night
We don't know much about Marlowe the vampire, but we do know this — he was so interested in getting his blood-drinking and killing on, he organized a trip — organized a trip — for a group of vampires to visit Barrow, Alaska, just as a month-long night began, in order to have what is essentially a month-long blood buffet. Plenty of vampires like to get their orgy of violence on, but few vampires are as committed as Marlowe is to getting the most murder bang for his murder buck, so to speak.
7) Kurt Barlow, Salem's Lot
Kurt Barlow is a simple vampire with simple needs: essentially, killing anyone he wants. When he moves into the town of Salem's Lot, he sets up shop as an antiques dealer, whose storefront is run by his assistant. This allows Barlow more time to kidnap children and sacrifice them, turn other kids into vampires to wreak havoc on the town, killing people by crushing their heads together, and even turning priests into vampires. All this is in the book, but the 1979 TV miniseries also has Barlow appear as a classic Nosferatu-style vampire, with fangs so enormous he can barely close his mouth. Of course, Barlow hardly needs to be able to close his mouth to drink your blood.
8) Christopher Lee's Dracula
The one, the only. While so many adaptations of Dracula have turned the villainous creature of the night into a tragic figure, a doomed lover, an anti-hero, and whatever, the Hammer Dracula films go the other way and turn Dracula into a demonic killer trying to unleash hell on Earth. Sure, he dresses as well as Bela Lugosi's Dracula, but he's not wandering through town, holding dinner parties, attending the opera, trying to pretend he's normal. Instead, all he cares about is drinking blood and killing those who have crossed him. In Hammer's Dracula movies, Lee stuffed a woman's corpse inside a church bell, tossing a sack with a baby in it to his hungry thralls, and, once he popped back up in the '70s, funding research to create a new, more terrible version of the Bubonic plague. Lee's Dracula is a creature of hate and fury and evil, whose has no humanity in him at all. And he definitely doesn't sparkle. 8 Vampires Who Make Bloodsuckers Into Badass Monsters Again