Sabtu, 22 Februari 2014

This Centuries-Old Musical Instrument Sounds Exactly Like Super Mario

Written By 12; About: This Centuries-Old Musical Instrument Sounds Exactly Like Super Mario on Sabtu, 22 Februari 2014 This Centuries-Old Musical Instrument Sounds Exactly Like Super Mario

Listen to this young girl playing her sheng, a Chinese instrument invented thousands of years ago. The woodwind may be ancient, but the sound is pure 1980s nostalgia—it's the Super Mario Brothers theme, right down to the sounds of Mario collecting coins and mushrooms. Amazing!

Music was a big part of the old school Nintendo experience, and it's eerie how the notes coming out of an instrument you probably never heard of sound so shockingly familiar. This young musician has certainly put in a ton of practice—clearly, all those hours playing Super Mario have paid off. [YouTube via TastefullyOffensive] This Centuries-Old Musical Instrument Sounds Exactly Like Super Mario