Jumat, 21 Februari 2014

Can you spot the camouflaged snipers hiding in these photographs? onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com

Written By 12; About: Can you spot the camouflaged snipers hiding in these photographs? onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com on Jumat, 21 Februari 2014

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com Can you spot the camouflaged snipers hiding in these photographs?

Can you spot the camouflaged snipers hiding in these photographs? S

These may look like typical landscape photographs, but hidden inside each one is a sniper with a gun pointed at the camera lens.

The German Army provided photographer Simon Menner with two snipers for his Project Camouflage series, which puts the viewer in the crosshairs of an apparently invisible military professional. Menner has provided clues to the location of the sniper in each image. For example, in the top image:

Sniper above the brownish rotten wood. Slightly to the right. Spotter behind him to the left.

If you're still stumped, however, the Guardian has kindly circled the position of the sniper in each of these photographs, and you can see the snipers' hiding places on their website.

Menner also recently published a rather fascinating looking book, Top Secret: Images from the Stasi Archives, which collects photos he unearthed on the East German secret police and his research into their activities. Thanks to Menner for letting us feature these photos here.

Camouflage [Simon Menner via The Guardian]

Can you spot the camouflaged snipers hiding in these photographs? S

There is a bigger boulder in the lower left corner. Sniper is straight up from there, where the color of the stones changes from light to dark.

Can you spot the camouflaged snipers hiding in these photographs? S

Sniper under a moss cover. Left half of the image, behind a small tree with a bent trunk.

Can you spot the camouflaged snipers hiding in these photographs? S

Sniper on the right side, behind the grass and below the small trees in the foreground.

Can you spot the camouflaged snipers hiding in these photographs? S

Sniper under the twigs and branches on the left.

Can you spot the camouflaged snipers hiding in these photographs? S

Sniper slightly right of the center of the image in the grass.

Can you spot the camouflaged snipers hiding in these photographs? S

Fake emplacement left side of the image. Sniper in the gap between the trees on the right side.

Can you spot the camouflaged snipers hiding in these photographs? S

Sniper left side of the small tree with blossoms.

Can you spot the camouflaged snipers hiding in these photographs? S

Sniper behind the sapling in the left center of the image.

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com Can you spot the camouflaged snipers hiding in these photographs?