Kiss your Meatspace-Anonymity goodbye: Eine kommende Mobile App gleicht Fotos per Gesichtserkennung mit Social Media-Profilen ab und schickt den Namen von Fremden inklusive Links zu Facebook und Twitter und Dating-Sites. Auf ihrer Website drohen sie schon mit: „this is just the beginning“. Bring out the Creeps!
An upcoming app for Android, iOS, and Google Glass called NameTag will allow you to photograph strangers and find out who they are — complete with social networking and online dating profiles.
Spot someone out and about that you want to identify, and you can capture their face using your device’s camera. The app will send the photo wirelessly to NameTag’s server, where it will compare the photo to millions of online records and return with a name, more photos, and social-media profiles, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, where the person (or their friends) might have publicly posted photos of themselves.
Facial recognition app matches strangers to online profiles (via Algopop) Mobile Face-Recognition-App to identify Strangers