Senin, 13 Januari 2014

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we?

Written By 12; About: Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? on Senin, 13 Januari 2014 Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we?

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S

Well, of course King Joffrey isn't excited about Game of Thrones season 4. He's an asshole. But for the rest of the planet, last night's trailer was awesome — so awesome that we had to crank up the ol' screencap machine in order to suss out every single detail. Don't worry, it's spoiler free!

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S

We start with a horrible battlefield littered with the dead. Yep, things are back to normal in Westeros!

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S

A knight rides in the desert toward Daenerys and her army (probably a bad move). I assume Daenerys' army is out and about because she's leaving Yunkai for Meereen this season.

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S

Jaime and his new haircut give Joffrey a hard truth.

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S

Melisandre is burning something... or someone. Something tells me the reason the crowd has gathered is because traitors are being executed/sacrificed to R'hilor.

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S

Two armies meet — but which ones? It doesn't look like the north, and the Night's Watch and wildings wouldn't be meeting anyways; and it's certainly not Daenerys' group. Maybe that's Jaime, and the Lannisters are meeting one of their allies? Or a rebelling House that's about to beg forgiveness?

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S

Assuming Daenerys moves to Meeereen this season, I'm guessing this is one of the ex-slavers in Meereen, about to get justice from the slaves Daenerys freed.

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S

Daenery's swank new digs/throne room in Meereen (or Yunkai. But probably Meereen).

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S

Jaime gets a new sword from his father. It's Valyrian steel, and I'll say no more.

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S

Meet Oberyn Martell, one of season 4's main new characters and one of the major new players in Kings' Landing. This has been mentioned in the series before, so it's not a spoiler, but the Martells want revenge for the death of Elia Martell, the wife of Rhaegar Targaryen, who was killed by Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane under orders from Tywin Lannister — this was after Robert Baratheon had won the throne, and all the Targaryens were to be killed. Of course, the Mountain made Elia's death as horrible as possible, and killed her children as well. Elia was Oberyn's sister, so this is even more personal for him.

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S

Ygritte is not happy.

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S

Theon's sister Yara's storyline is all-new, so even book readers have no idea what's in her future.

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S

Jaime gets a new hand to go along with his new sword.

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S

I think this is Rast, the member of the Night's Watch who killed Lord Mormont in the rebellion at Craster's Keep last season. Where did he get a baby? Also, why is he leaving that baby in the snow? Could he possible have stayed at Craster's place, and taken one of more of Craster's daughters, and fulfilling Craster's duty of leaving the male babies out for the White Walkers?

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S

Arya, looking like even more of a badass than usual.

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S

Bran looks like he's about to try skinchanging into one of the white weirwood trees — you know, the ones the Stark used to pray to the Old Gods, the ones with the faces. Hmm...

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S

Joffrey and Margaery's wedding seems to be going a little bit better than Edmure Tully's did last season.

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S

The wildings who crossed the wall with Jon Snow and Tormund Giantsbane attack the Night's Watch.

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S

What the hell is Theon doing up and free? Is this a dream sequence? Does Yara manage to rescue him?

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S

Someone is about to be executed...

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S the Mountain (played by new actor Hafthor Julius Bjornsson). Lord only knows what this poor guy has done, if anything; the Mountain is a monster.

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S

The Night's Watch traveling through the tunnels of the Wall...

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S

...and a giant (note the face) trying to travel through the tunnels of the Wall, most likely from the opposite direction.

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S

Ramsey Snow's "assistant" Myranda appears to be having willing, happy sex with her master. Not sure what that's all about.

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S

Any ideas?

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S

Daenerys frees a group of lily-white slaves, probably from Meereen. Well, at least she's not crowd-surfing on them.

Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S


Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we? S

Tyrion gives the least happy smile I've ever seen. Let's break down the Game of Thrones season 4 trailer, shall we?