From the Lunar and Planetary Institute's Lunar Map Catalogue comes a gorgeous series of charts of the Moon's nearside, farside and poles.
Click here to see in hi-res [6105 x 4277]. Click here to see in VERY hi-res [12211 x 8553]
According to the chart, the features depicted were "interpreted from the photographic records of Lunar Orbiter Missions I, II, III, IV and V," and "feature names were adopted by the International Astronomical Union in 1935 and amended in 1961, 1964 and 1970." Below are the farside and polar charts (click here and here for hi-res options). Not quite as colorful as these images from the USGS's Geological Atlas of the Moon, but every bit as stunning, in their own right (hardcore geology types might also enjoy comparing the two maps to see if they can correctly identify which regions of the non-geological map are composed of crater, dome, mare, or plains material.)
If you're into maps and are not already familiar with the Lunar and Planetary Society's extensive collection, you owe it to yourself to check it out. Fair warning: that catalogue will devour massive quantities of your time if you aren't careful.
More map musings here and here. Lose Yourself in these Stunning Lunar Maps