Selasa, 21 Januari 2014

Watch These People Swap Genders Using Virtual Reality

Written By 12; About: Watch These People Swap Genders Using Virtual Reality on Selasa, 21 Januari 2014 Watch These People Swap Genders Using Virtual Reality

Watch These People Swap Genders Using Virtual Reality

A lot of the most interesting applications of VR have less to do with gaming, and more to do with perceptions of self. What's it like to see outside of your own subjective experience of body and self?

NSFW warning on the video below.

Enter The Machine To Be Another, an art installation that uses the Oculus Rift to let two people live inside each other's bodies. Both participants synchronize movements, and are given a stereoscopic view of what the other is seeing. What would I be like if I was shorter? What if I was a different gender?

Obviously isn't a perfect simulation, but the goal is clear: To give a glimpse, however briefly, into the everyday world of others.

The Machine To Be Another via The Verge

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