This story is all kinds of weird. A guy wearing Google Glass in an Ohio movie theater was detained for hours by agents from . . . the Department of Homeland Security. What? Was this guy a terrorist with awful taste in consumer electronics? Nope. He was suspected of piracy.
OK, OK I get that wearing Google Glass is horribly obnoxious and probably not a good idea in a movie theater, where patrons are often told to put away their smart phones. But seriously? Unleashing DHS on somebody who wore Glass to a Jack Ryan movie? This is like some kind of parody of the surveillance state, where the government is the pawn of Hollywood, and citizens who post spoilers online are put on watch lists.
Has it really come to this? United States citizens' tax dollars are being spent on detaining somebody for over three hours because he might have been about to post a shitty Glass video from some dumb movie online. Shouldn't DHS be dealing with important things like — I dunno — disaster response and national security? And shouldn't the movie industry pay for its own damn anti-piracy patrol?
Oh and FYI, the detainee wasn't actually recording the movie. In fact, the record function on his device was turned off. Thank goodness because now our nation is safe.
You can read the detainee's own version of events at The Gadgeteer. So now Homeland Security can detain suspected movie pirates?