Cards Against Humanity is the hilarious party game for horrible people, and now you can mix the games political incorrectness with your knowledge of Doctor Who thanks to a fan-made edition called Cards Against Gallifrey.
Because Cards Against Humanity is published under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike, anyone can make their own cards for the game, provided they publish them under the same license and don't sell them. The comedy group Conventional Improv performs a game show based on Cards Against Humanity at different conventions, and this fall, in honor of the Doctor Who 50th anniversary, they played Cards Against Gallifrey and have made their version of the game available to the public. Naturally, it's crude, offensive, and imagines most of the cast naked.
You can see the cards on imgur and download the entire deck through dropcanvas. You could even give them normal Cards Against Humanity backings and play them as part of your larger deck.
Cards Against Gallifrey [imgur] and Download [dropcanvas via Geek Art Gallery] Print out the Doctor Who version of Cards Against Humanity right now