In Ohio haben Agenten der Homeland Security einen Google Glass-User aus dem Kino geholt und stundenlang befragt, weil er angeblich den Film mitgeschnitten hatte. Yay, Future! (via Eay)
I kept telling them that Glass has a USB port and not only did I allow them, I actually insist they connect to it and see that there was nothing but personal photos with my wife and my dog on it. I also insisted they look at my phone too and clear things out, but they wanted to talk first. They wanted to know who I am, where I live, where I work, how much I’m making, how many computers I have at home, why am I recording the movie, who am I going to give the recording to, why don’t I just give up the guy up the chain, ’cause they are not interested in me. Over and over and over again. Homeland Security arrests Google Glass-User in Cinema