Six words, used carefully, can build up a world — and that's just what these pieces of flash science fiction, covering everything from a population of literature-obsessed primates to a Death who would really rather play Candyland than do his job, do. Here are just some of our favorite six word stories, written by you, today:
"Novel's finished", said a million monkeys. — RobWinton, who now needs to find a translator.
Lovely planet for rent! References required. — drmoreausprodigy
"Chess?" scoffed Death, "no way. Candyland." — ColinGagnon
"The snow... it... it... got hungry." — fogelmatrix, on an explanation for the weird weather lately.
Word seven will change the world: — jegrouchy, who only wrote 6 words
Baby shoes for sale, size thirteen. — barriowolf
Androids don't dream. They have nightmares. — ShiraKarasu, answering Phil K. Dick's famous question.
Last words, "Lasers can't reach us." — Case Aiken
Fastest growing sport: black hole surfing. — angusm
He blinked. The darkness didn't lift. — zirafellfromearth
Image: Artist's concept of life on Mars / NASA Read some of our favorite flash science fiction -- written by you!