Jumat, 28 Februari 2014

An epic look at early humans onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com

Written By 12; About: An epic look at early humans onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com on Jumat, 28 Februari 2014

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com An epic look at early humans

An epic look at early humans S

We love this stately museum poster. These early humans look like they could be our ancestors Homo erectus, or maybe Homo habilis. It's a reminder that our species is always changing, but one thing stays the same: We always look awesome when posed with wild elephants.

Paleoartist Mauricio Antón writes that the images are intended to "recreate the life and habitats of our prehistoric relatives in East Africa, with an emphasis on Northern Tanzania." He has also just released a book on human evolution, packed with gorgeous images, called The Cradle of Humankind (the same name as the exhibit he illustrated for this poster).

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com An epic look at early humans

This aerial video of reindeer-herding is surprisingly soothing onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com This aerial video of reindeer-herding is surprisingly soothing

In addition to being one of the more unlikely string of words you've heard this week, this aerial video of reindeer-herding shot by a hexacopter camera drone is surprisingly serene and relaxing. Watching it feels a little like tending a rock garden with your brain.

The video was recently shot by Jan Helmer Olsen in Northern Norway, and features Sami herders using large sheets of material to corral reindeer into separate enclosures. The process is interesting in and of itself, but the drone's vantage point adds a layer of depth to the experience, as the reindeer take on an almost inanimate appearance, flowing and redistributing in a way reminiscent of flowing water or a spiraling wisp of gas.

Complement with these mesmerizing videos of swarming starlings (what is known as a "murmuration").

[Spotted on Laughing Squid]

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com This aerial video of reindeer-herding is surprisingly soothing

The awesome Harry Potter ending J.K. Rowling didn't even know she had onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com The awesome Harry Potter ending J.K. Rowling didn't even know she had

The awesome Harry Potter ending J.K. Rowling didn't even know she had

Someone had an idea about how the Harry Potter books should have ended and it's fantastic. And when I say fantastic I mean this is truly, objectively what Harry Potter's final fate should have been in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and J.K. Rowling screwed it up. Call your editor, J,K. You have some work to do.

The awesome Harry Potter ending J.K. Rowling didn't even know she had

[Via I Waste So Much Time]

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com The awesome Harry Potter ending J.K. Rowling didn't even know she had

The incredibly sweet adventures of two superheroines in love onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com The incredibly sweet adventures of two superheroines in love

The incredibly sweet adventures of two superheroines in love S

A superhero's life is filled with danger and excitement, but Kat Leyh's Supercakes comics tend to focus on the quieter moments in the lives of two superpowered ladies whose relationship is starting to become more serious.

A year and a half ago, Leyh posted her short story Pancakes, a simple slice-of-life comic about Molly and May, her superheroic couple. Since then, she has added a few more moments in the lives of these ladies, with May recounting the story of how her powers manifested and a coffee run that turns suddenly exciting. Most recently, she added Welcome to the Family, a slightly longer story in which May takes Molly to meet her family, which brings up some troubling memories of Molly's own past. It's a feel-good comic about home life and family dynamics in a world of superpowers, and Leyh promises there are more installments ahead.

Supercakes [Kat Leyh via CallMeKitto]

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com The incredibly sweet adventures of two superheroines in love

Cut Copy's gorgeous new music video takes 3D printing to new territory onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com Cut Copy's gorgeous new music video takes 3D printing to new territory

Cut Copy's gorgeous new music video takes 3D printing to new territory S

Australian electronic music band Cut Copy has put out a new video featuring some 200 3D-printed figurines. And as an added bonus, you can download the video as an open source BitTorrent bundle to make your own version.

The post-apocalyptic-themed video is for Cut Copy's track, "We Are Explorers." The characters, which are animated via stop motion, were all generated using a 3D printer with a UV reactive filament, allowing them to glow in the dark.

The video required two weeks of design, one week of printing, ten hours of shooting, and one week of post-production.

Cut Copy's gorgeous new music video takes 3D printing to new territory

The band, along with the video's developer, Party, have made all the content — including the music, video, and 3D printed files — available for download here. So, to make your own version of the video, all you need is a 3D printer, some time, and a creative imagination.

[ Creative Review ]

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com Cut Copy's gorgeous new music video takes 3D printing to new territory

The terrible beauty of California's impending rainstorm onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com The terrible beauty of California's impending rainstorm

The terrible beauty of California's impending rainstorm S

After months of drought, California is about to get hit with a storm that is likely to be the biggest (and windiest) the state has seen in at least 3 years. In this satellite photo taken today by NOAA, you can see the storm approaching.

Some cities in southern California are being ordered to evacuate because they are in flood zones.

For more information about the storm, see NOAA's warnings page.

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com The terrible beauty of California's impending rainstorm

This lecture is the one primer you need on NSA surveillance technology onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com This lecture is the one primer you need on NSA surveillance technology

This lecture is the one primer you need on NSA surveillance technology S

We know that the NSA has been monitoring millions of calls made in the United States. But what are they doing with that data? And how do they analyze it? Find out everything you need to know in this incredible lecture from Princeton computer science professor and government technology adviser Ed Felten.

In this lecture, given yesterday at Trustycon in San Francisco, Felten explains in clear terms how the the NSA surveillance tactics work — but also, why they aren't working, and how we could improve them. What's valuable about this lecture is the fact that Felten pulls no punches. He's going to take you through some statistical analysis, and talk about some software tools that the NSA uses, so he gets a little technical. But you'll emerge with a really clear sense of what's technically possible, given what computer scientists know today about how to analyze massive quantities of network data.

Here are a few of the most interesting takeaways from his talk.

He begins by talking about how the NSA is only gathering what's called "metadata" on US citizens' phone calls. Metadata includes three basic things: who made the call, who received the call, and when (also, how long they talked). That sounds relatively innocuous, because you have no idea what the conversation was about, but Felton offers a couple of examples of how revealing metadata can be. For example, if you receive a call from a medical office appointment number, obviously you have a doctor's appointment. If you call a suicide hotline and talk to them for 45 minutes, that reveals a lot about your mental health. And of course, if you are making repeated, lengthy calls to somebody late at night that can easily reveal a personal relationship.

Those are just a few ways that metadata reveals a lot about you, and Felten notes that when your whole network of calls is analyzed, it's easy to create a fairly accurate profile that reveals how old you are, where you work, and a lot of other things.

Felten has a great slide which lists the two things we know that the NSA does with metadata. It reads:

1. contact chaining

2. [redacted]

He notes that the second one has to do with tradecraft, or what those of us who watch a lot of bad movies would call "spy shit." Contact chaining is the practice of looking at who your contacts are — in this case, who you called over the past five years — and trying to figure out whether you're a terrorist based on them.

Felten walks you through how exactly the NSA might try to figure out whether a suspect named Bob is a terrorist. Let's say the NSA already thinks Bob has a 20 percent chance of being a terrrorist, which is why they are tracking Bob. If Bob is a few hops away on the chain of a known Bad Guy, then the likelihood of him being a terrorist goes up to about 37 percent. Felton notes that this isn't really a helpful number that we've gotten from contact chaining all that data. There isn't even a fifty/fifty chance that Bob is a terrorist.

So, Felton points out, we should either pull Bob in based on the information we already have about him — or we should get a subpoena to gather more specific information on him, rather than using all that data gathered by the NSA. Crucially, Felton says that contact chaining is a terrible way to determine whether Bob is innocent. Data-gathering techniques should be able to help the NSA find suspects, but it should help them eliminate suspects too. Currently, their system is terrible at detecting false positives.

It's important to note here that Felten isn't against the NSA spying on people. He just thinks that their current methods are both ineffective, and needlessly violate innocent people's privacy to boot. In the next part of his talk, he describes how the NSA could be doing their spying in a much more effective, targeted manner. He also offers some suggestions about how innocent people's data could be protected while still helping the NSA in their data analysis of social networks.

Ultimately, he argues, we don't have to trade off our privacy for security. We have the technical tools that will make it possible to protect the privacy of the vast majority of US citizens, while still targeting suspects who could threaten violence.

He also recommends reading a set of recommendations that technologists have made to the government, to reform the current NSA practices, called Liberty and Security in a Changing World.

Find out more about Ed Felten on his website, and find out more about Trustycon on their website.

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com This lecture is the one primer you need on NSA surveillance technology

There are images of upside-down buildings hidden in city skylines onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com There are images of upside-down buildings hidden in city skylines

There are images of upside-down buildings hidden in city skylines S

Artist Peter Wegner photographs the negative space between buildings in New York, Chicago, and San Francisco, then turns them upside-down, revealing an invisible city made out of sky.

Wegner's Buildings Made of Sky series looks at the unintentional spaces between the intended ones, and creates something fantastical in the process. You can see more from the series at his website.

Buildings Made of Sky [Peter Wegner via Fast Co.Exist]

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com There are images of upside-down buildings hidden in city skylines

Could the Minecraft movie really be the next Lego Movie? onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com Could the Minecraft movie really be the next Lego Movie?

Could the Minecraft movie really be the next Lego Movie? S

It's probably not a coincidence that Warner Bros. is rushing ahead with a movie based on the mega-popular online game Minecraft, right after Lego Movie became one of the year's biggest films. But will a Minecraft film capture what's so great about the game?

As Deadline points out the Lego/Minecraft comparisons sort of suggest themselves:

The game is very much like the world we saw in The Lego Movie as master builders constructed what they needed as they needed...

In the Minecraft game, players create their own avatar and use cubes to create, build, and destroy structures and other forms across multiple game modes and various players. When you first begin the game, the player is dropped into the middle of nowhere and must build out a world of their own, but monsters can come out at any time and you must survive the night.

But as Deadline says, this could be the next Lego Movie or the next Super Mario Bros. Lego Movie co-producer Roy Lee is producing Minecraft, along with Jill Messick (Mean Girls.) No clue yet who's writing or producing this thing, though.

As co-creator Magnus "Notch" Persson admitted, "Also, I [am] very well aware that this might be Minecraft jumping the shark, but how often do you get to be part of making a movie?" [via Wired UK]

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com Could the Minecraft movie really be the next Lego Movie?

What Vampire Diaries and Originals teach us about the meaning of life onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com What Vampire Diaries and Originals teach us about the meaning of life

What Vampire Diaries and Originals teach us about the meaning of life S

When our civilization crumbles to dust and nothing remains of our great works of art and literature, we'll probably still have The Vampire Diaries and The Originals to teach us the secrets of a good and happy life. Centuries from now, these texts will continue to guide and enlighten. So what did we learn from this week's outings?

Spoilers ahead...

This week's outings of Vampire Diaries and Originals were all about A) People sacrificing family for loveB) People making incredibly stupid and self-destructive decisions C) People discovering terrible secrets and D) Someone trying to manipulate one sibling into killing another sibling. These four thingsbasically explain all of human suffering, making TVD and TO foundational documents for the new society I am going to be founding in my underground bunker soon.

Let's go through these one by one, OK?

A) People sacrificing family for love

The theme of "family" wasn't all that important in the VampDi universe at first — ironically, as everybody's family members have gotten killed off, it's gained prominence. There are only three members of the once-sprawling Original family left, and Elena just has Jeremy at this point. Back when Damon killed his "Uncle" Jesse, nobody really spared much of a tear for the last human member of the Salvatore clan, but now it's all-family, all the time.

And in the view of the shows' writers, not only is family super-important, but choosing to put other things over family will usually bite you in the ass.

This time around, Nadia realizes that even though she sacrificed everything to save Katherine by transplanting Katherine into Elena's body, Katharine will always put her lust for Stefan ahead of loyalty to her daughter.

The most affecting scene in last night's TVD is probably where the always-great Matt — as Katherine observes, "Everybody loves Matt!" — compares Katherine to Matt's own mom, who would take off for days at a time with her latest guy, before crawling home for Matt tomake her another grilled-cheese sandwich. (Matt neglects to mention that he actually kicked his mom out once and for all.) I love when this show actually remembers the backstories of its characters and brings them up in ways that make emotional sense like that.

Nadia is never going to come first in Katherine's life — and Katherine's messed-up priorities are the proximate cause of Nadia getting bitten by Tyler Lockwood and probably dying of werewolf venom.

Meanwhile, the Original Sin of The Originals turns out to be that Marcel and Rebekah, who were in love and knew Klaus would never let them be together, decided to put their love over Rebekah's family loyalty. And so they convinced a gullible witch named Genevieve in 1919 to summon Rebekah's psycho father, Mikael, to New Orleans to chase Klaus away. Except that it backfired in some way we haven't seen yet.

B) People making incredibly stupid and self-destructive decisions

Well, summoning Mikael to New Orleans probably comes under this heading as well. So does Katherine deciding to hang around Stefan instead of getting the heck out of Dodge with her daughter and running off to Europe while she has the chance.

But also, the witches in this weeks' Originals are dumb as rocks. So they have Klaus, by far the most powerful and unstoppable of the Mikaelson clan, already imprisoned and immobilized with Papa Tunde's magic knife. They also have Rebekah right where they want her. If it's revenge they're after, they're pretty much there already. This is the part where you dig a deep hole miles from anywhere, put the still-daggered Klaus inside, and then pour a few thousand tons of concrete on top of him. With Klaus and Rebekah out of the picture, you just have to deal with Elijah, who's like a cat with a laser pointer when anybody dangles shiny clues in front of him. (And now I want someone to make an Elijah/laser-pointer GIF, where his eyes are following a red dot.)

Instead of doing the obvious thing and pressing their advantage, Celeste and the witch gang come up with a Rube Goldberg plan to reveal Rebekah's 1919 treachery to Klaus via telepathic memory-flashes, so Klaus will be really really pissed until something distracts him. (Actually, all of the Originals are like cats with laser pointers, now that I think about it.)

Oh, also Dr. Wes? Even dumber than most doctors who use their first name instead of their last name. Dr. Wes has injected Damon with the "cannibal vampire" virus that makes him feed on other vampires, but instead of just moving on and maybe testing it on some other experimental subjects who are more easily controlled, he gets the Travelers to trap Damon and Enzo in a house together, to force Damon to feed on Enzo. Nothing about this test is particularly scientific, and there's no control group or research protocols.

Most of all, Dr. Wes has apparently decided to rely on the Travelers to be his "backup" without knowing anything about them or what their goals are — and judging by every other alliance of expediency on this show, this is clearly going to turn out to be a terrible, horrible idea.

I guess the main lesson here? Keep it simple. If you have your worst enemy immobilized with a magic knife, don't un-immobilize him. Don't infect your most dangerous test subject with an experimental virus and then trap him in a house with his best friend, just kill him and find other subjects. Like Paul McCartney says, "What does it matter to ya? When you got a job to do, ya better do it well."

C) People discovering terrible secrets

See Klaus and Rebekah — but also, at long last, thanks to the ever-lovable Matt, Caroline finally got the clue that Elena isn't Elena. And Stefan, who spends the whole episode acting as though he couldn't spot a clue if one landed between his freakishly prehensile eyebrows, suddenly twigs to the facts about Elena as well.

Oh, and we're still playing the fallout from Tyler finding out that Caroline slept with Klaus — because Tyler will never be okay with her sleeping with the man who killed Tyler's mom after Tyler tried to kill him first. I thought the statute of limitations on murder in Mystic Falls was down to a month, but apparently Tyler has a freakishly long memory.

The main lesson here: Umm... don't do anything you wouldn't want everybody to know about within three episodes?

D) Brother killing brother (or sister)

That's the climax of both of these episodes, and in both cases we know it'll never happen. I guess Klaus isn't really going to kill Rebekah, per se— just stab her with the magic knife, which will immobilize her in horrible anguish forever. It's not clear whether, having stabbed her with the magic knife, Klaus will be able to pull it out of her again. (Or, now that Elijah has re-stabbed Klaus with it, whether he'll be able topull it out.)

Even with Klaus still weakened by his ordeal and overcome by the psychic television feed of Rebekah's memories, he has to be aware that he's being manipulated here. I half-expected Klaus to turn around and stab Genevieve instead of Rebekah — but no, he's just enough of a slave to his own rage that he goes after his sister instead.

The witches' plan to get Klaus to attack Rebekah and Marcel is a masterpiece, compared to Katherine's incredibly dunder-headed plan to get Stefan to kill Damon. Really, the notion that Katherine is a mastermind or a brilliant manipulator is seeming less and less plausible the more we see of her. She tries to goad the blood-crazed Damon into feeding on her, and then kicks a stake towards Stefan, who just stands there looking even more bewildered than usual. And then instead of stabbing his brother, Stefan offers up his own blood as a substitute — then snaps Damon's neck and gets him chained up in his comfy old basement cell.

Because in the Vampire Diaries teachings, Stefan is the ultimate sage. He sees without seeing. He acts without deliberation. He knows when the Holy Roman Empire fell. He cannot be seduced in tawdry hotel rooms by his possessed ex-girlfriend, because his heart is a calm pond. He was once the Ripper, but now he is a weaver. Or something.

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com What Vampire Diaries and Originals teach us about the meaning of life

What's wrong with Gotham city anyway? onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com What's wrong with Gotham city anyway?

What's wrong with Gotham city anyway?

Gotham city is an odd place: nightfall seems to operate independently of the circadian clock and criminal alter-egos are so common that the guy dressed up like a bat to fight crime barely even registers as unusual. But why is Gotham the way that it is?

Today we took a look at 20 of the enemies who posed the least credible threats to Batman. The thing is, a lot of them had hobbies and interests that aren't too far off from our own, but instead of taking up coin-collecting or adopting a cat from their local ASPCA, they tried to crush Batman with a giant penny or dubbed themselves The King of Cats. So what gives, Gotham?


A Batman theory I'm quite proud of: The Joker actually successfully poisoned all of Gotham with a mild version of his gas at one point, and as a result the whole city is mildly insane. Including the whole Batfamily. It explains why so many ordinary people in Gotham randomly decide to create alter egos, dress up, and commit crimes using obviously flawed schemes.


I'm fairly sure that was a subtext of Nolan's Batman Begins. Once you accept that the entire city is slightly-to-moderately deranged, (and Bruce more than any of them) it all makes more sense.

Of course, there are other schools of thought on what makes Gotham the way that it is: It could be a response to the deep-seated institutional corruption, or maybe it's Batman's presence itself that drove the city off the rails.

Give us your takes and theories on just what is going on in Gotham in the comments now.

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com What's wrong with Gotham city anyway?

We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars

Let's face it: Very few forms of public transit are as awesome as trains. That's why we want to live in a house made of trains, just like the ones in this gallery.

A Soo Line caboose, built in 1909, turned into a vacation home in 1976, somewhere in North Pennsylvania

We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars

We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars S

We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars S

We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars S

We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars S

We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars S

(via Tiny House Blog)

Red Caboose Getaway, with seven themed cabooses as private suites in Sequim, Washington

We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars S

We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars S

We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars S

We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars S

We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars S

(via Red Caboose Getaway)

The Deptford Project Café, designed by Morag Myerscough, converted from a 1960s commuter train carriage, Deptford, London, UK

We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars S

We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars S

We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars S

(via Text and Illustration, The Georgia and Supergroup London)

A 85-foot-long (25.9 m) 1949 Pullman Railcar, converted into a luxurious home by Liz Mapelli, stands near the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, Portland, Oregon

We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars

We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars S

We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars

We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars

We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars

(via DJCOregon)

Some Orthodox churches of Russia

We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars S We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars S We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars S We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars S We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars S (via English Russia)

The Train Wreck houseboat, Sausalito, California, converted from a former railcar used by the San Francisco and Northern Pacific Railway between 1889 and 1907, when it became a Northwestern Pacific Railroad car. It was retired in 1936.

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars

The world's largest aircraft has been unveiled -- and it's a mammoth onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com The world's largest aircraft has been unveiled -- and it's a mammoth

The world's largest aircraft has been unveiled -- and it's a mammoth

Who says our visions of a blimp-filled future are passé? Behold the Airlander, a hybrid air vehicle that's part blimp, part airplane, and part helicopter. Experts are calling it a 'game changer' — and it could revolutionize the transport industry.

Developed by Hybrid Air Vehicles Ltd., the Airlander was recently unveiled in Britain's largest aircraft hanger. Iron Maiden's Bruce Dickinson, an avid pilot and HAV investor, was there to meet the press.

"It's a game changer, in terms of things we can have in the air and things we can do," he told the BBC. "The airship has always been with us, it's just been waiting for the technology to catch up."

The massive aircraft uses both aerodynamics and lighter-than-air (LTA) technology to generate lift (it's full of inert helium, not explosive hydrogen). It's 302 feet (92 meters) long, which is about 60 feet longer than the biggest airliners (the Airbus A380 and Boeing 747-8). And it's almost 30 feet longer than the massive cargo-carrying Antonov An-225, the longest aircraft ever built. Well, at least until now.

The world's largest aircraft has been unveiled -- and it's a mammoth S

The Airlander's maiden voyage is scheduled for later this year.

The world's largest aircraft has been unveiled -- and it's a mammoth

Once aloft, it can stay there for up to three weeks. It'll be able to carry 50 tonnes to virtually anywhere in the world — which is 50 times more than a helicopter. It's green, doesn't require a runway, and can be controlled remotely. It can even fly with a lot of bullet holes in it, too (hinting at potential military applications).

The world's largest aircraft has been unveiled -- and it's a mammoth

Indeed, this was once a U.S. project, but British developers bought it back. They're hoping to sell it to oil and mining companies to deliver heavy equipment to remote and highly inaccessible areas. It could also be used for humanitarian purposes, like shipping supplies to poverty-stricken areas or disaster zones.

[ BBC | Telegraph | Images: HAV ]

Related: The Monstrous Sky Whale.

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com The world's largest aircraft has been unveiled -- and it's a mammoth

GRRM releases a new paragraph from Winds of Winter — wait, what? onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com GRRM releases a new paragraph from Winds of Winter — wait, what?

GRRM releases a new paragraph from Winds of Winter — wait, what? S

George R.R. Martin released a paragraph from his sixth insanely anticipated book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series? Not a chapter? Or even a page? Just... a paragraph? Why even bother — oh, it's from a Tyrion chapter? BRING IT ON.

From Entertainment Weekly:

Somewhere off in the far distance, a dying man was screaming for his mother. "To horse!" a man was yelling in Ghiscari, in the next camp to the north of the Second Sons. "To horse! To horse!" High and shrill, his voice carried a long way in the morning air, far beyond his own encampment. Tyrion knew just enough Ghiscari to understand the words, but the fear in his voice would have been plain in any tongue. I know how he feels.

Well, that told us pretty much nothing. Still, I'll happily take this ASoIaF methadone shot to feed my cravngs, and get me through March until the TV show premieres on April 2nd.

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com GRRM releases a new paragraph from Winds of Winter — wait, what?

Decoding the Mind of True Detective's Rust Cohle onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com Decoding the Mind of True Detective's Rust Cohle

Decoding the Mind of True Detective's Rust Cohle S

With just two episodes of True Detective left to air, and with dreams of Yellow Kings dancing through our fevered locked room monkey brains, what clues can we derive from Rust Cohle's nihilistic existential rantings? Spoilers for True Detective to follow.

Rust Cohle's monologues may seem like drunken atheistic dorm room philosophy, and maybe that's a fair assessment — but whenever a character starts ranting about the meaning of life in a piece like this, it's a solid bet they're telling us something about the writer's view of the story.

The edited version of Rev. Theriot's revival tent sermon shown in episode 3, "The Locked Room," seems like a fairly typical "Jesus saves" revival message. The uncut version, available on HBO's official site, darknessbecomesyou.com, is a more sophisticated theological message that provides a skeleton key for decoding Rust's worldview.

The Happy Premises

Happy Premise #1: Time is a flat circle and we are trapped in eternity, doomed to repeat our lives over and over again.

Every murder victim, everyone who suffers from disease or poverty or injury is doomed to repeat the cycle of their existence. That is the Secret Fate of All Life. That is what Rust means by "time, death and futility."

Happy Premise #2: Consciousness, therefore, is a tragic misstep in evolution. We are only trapped in history because we are aware of history.

Rust believes we are trapped in a meaningless, thresher-like meat prison. He meditates on Gethsemane, the idea of allowing one's own crucifixion. He imagines he sees relief in the eyes of murder victims, feels gratitude at his daughter's painless death and muses that collective suicide is humanity's only hope of escape.

The Reverend speaks of the rain, the grass, the mountains and other elements of nature being free of despair and that we should be, in the parlance, "like as unto them." What's the reason? They are free of consciousness. Hence the quote from Proverbs on the banner above the Reverend's pulpit: "Lean not on your own understanding."

Happy Premise #3: Since we are conscious, our only escape from the prison of time is to gain a higher perspective of ourselves.

Rust describes this idea in scientific terms, using M Brane Theory. Viewed from the outside, our universe is a singular, crystalline, timeless superposition of matter and energy. If we can achieve that perspective, we can transcend history.

Rev. Theriot asks how it is possible for the world to forget itself, for us to have lost our timeless, eternal perspective on creation and describes our final realization of ourselves as a birthright from God: "In the end, we will find ourselves at the beginning. And at last, we will know ourselves. And our true faces will weep."

In other words, we forget ourselves when we process time linearly, in a sphere. We see our true selves when we see the universe without time, as a flat circle.

The Yellow King

Given the Happy Premises, what is the secret of the Yellow King? Well, from my particular vantage point on the flat circle, I'm in no position to say for sure, but here it goes, for what it's worth.

Decoding the Mind of True Detective's Rust Cohle S

The Yellow King is not a person. It's a drug, or a drug experience, cooked up by Reggie Ledoux in his Dark Easy Bake Oven of the Soul.

Yellow King blotter acid gives you the fourth dimensional perspective Cohle speaks of which is the vantage point of God the Reverend speaks of. When you drop Yellow King, you see your life as an unbroken superposition of cosmic energy embedded in a flat circle, your true face is revealed to you, and you weep warm tears. Hey, who hasn't been there?

Which means that the murder victims are not really murder victims. They dropped Yellow King, traveled to Carcosa, saw themselves as they are and concluded that dying now meant that they would be embedded in eternity as relatively happy people, spared the thresher of long life. And so they allowed themselves to be killed and marked as a message for others to follow them into a blissful eternity.

The futile hell of the story is that Rust mainlines this secret truth of the universe, but still cannot break his programming. As a homicide detective, he cannot rationalize drugging people into suicide, even if doing so conforms exactly to his philosophy of existence. He is trapped, doomed to play out the contradictory role he has chosen for himself: the nihilist who wants to save the world.

Or maybe the butler did it.

Jason Shankel is a monkey brain in a locked room who dreams about being a person.

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com Decoding the Mind of True Detective's Rust Cohle

Internet, please help finish this 39-Minute, Fan-Made X-Men Masterpiece onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com Internet, please help finish this 39-Minute, Fan-Made X-Men Masterpiece

Internet, please help finish this 39-Minute, Fan-Made X-Men Masterpiece

Someone has created an entirely silent 38 minute fan storyboard for an X-Men movie. To put it simply, this is art. And now we want you guys to help bring it across the finish line.

Created by Sam Wan, this X-Men 3D storyboard is a rough cut for a much bigger fan film. Officially titled X-MEN: X-Cutioner's Song, this 39 minute silent storyboard has just about every mutant you can shake a stick at. In excellent versions of the classic uniforms, and showcasing their comic book powers. The whole things starts at a celebratory peace concert (hosted by Metallica, naturally).

Professor X is on the stage with Metallica and then our beloved X-Men are brutally attacked by Cable! But maybe that's not Cable after all? WATCH:

We call upon you, internet, to score this epic mutant story. Please use your powers for good and find away to get X-MEN X-Cutioner's Song voices, sound effects and music! This epic must not live forever with just silent cries of mutant agony. However, the silent screams are pretty fantastic.

Thank you to Chris Person for passing this along to us, and for these amazing Gifs that will live in our hearts forever.

Internet, please help finish this 39-Minute, Fan-Made X-Men Masterpiece

Internet, please help finish this 39-Minute, Fan-Made X-Men Masterpiece

Internet, please help finish this 39-Minute, Fan-Made X-Men Masterpiece S

Internet, please help finish this 39-Minute, Fan-Made X-Men Masterpiece

Internet, please help finish this 39-Minute, Fan-Made X-Men Masterpiece

Internet, please help finish this 39-Minute, Fan-Made X-Men Masterpiece

Internet, please help finish this 39-Minute, Fan-Made X-Men Masterpiece

onlinecollegedegreee.blogspot.com Internet, please help finish this 39-Minute, Fan-Made X-Men Masterpiece