Selasa, 25 Februari 2014

Is your state the most miserable in the nation?

Written By 12; About: Is your state the most miserable in the nation? on Selasa, 25 Februari 2014 Is your state the most miserable in the nation?

Is your state the most miserable in the nation?

Sorry, West Virginians, the news isn't good.

Gallup has put out its annual "state of the states" poll of over 178,000 people, looking at our collective sense of well-being as bounded within our state lines. The big winner in all this? The Dakotas, that great paradise to the North, famous for gifting us Mount Rushmore, some pretty decent hotdish recipes, and the title of the movie Fargo.

North Dakota and South Dakota occupied the first and second place in the overall rankings, though Nebraska, Alaska, Vermont, and Massachusetts also all topped some of the individual categories. While West Virginia swept lowest scores in all the categories except one.

Here's the data broken down by the six measures that the pollsters surveyed:

Is your state the most miserable in the nation?

You can find more on your own state's data here.

So, do you agree with your state's ranking? West Virginians, we're feeling a little worried about you. Dakotans, we want to know just what life in your utopia is like. Tag your state on the map and tell us how things are going. Is your state the most miserable in the nation?