Senin, 30 Desember 2013

Classic Sci-Fi and Fantasy Films That You Can Watch on YouTube

Written By 12; About: Classic Sci-Fi and Fantasy Films That You Can Watch on YouTube on Senin, 30 Desember 2013 Classic Sci-Fi and Fantasy Films That You Can Watch on YouTube

Classic Sci-Fi and Fantasy Films That You Can Watch on YouTube S

The year is ending and things are winding down — but maybe you're still stuck at work, repairing arcane electrical equipment or drafting memos that nobody will read. For you, our downtrodden comrades, we present the ultimate distraction: Classic SF movies you can watch in their entirety on YouTube.

The Lost World, 1925

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Metropolis, 1927

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Things To Come, 1936

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Modern Times, 1936

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The Green Hornet, a 13-part Universal movie serial, 1940

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Rocketship X-M (also known as Expedition Moon), the first outer space adventure of the post-World War II era, 1950

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The 12-part Buck Rogers movie serial from 1939, edited into a feature film entitled Planet Outlaws, 1953

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Invaders from Mars, 1953

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Cat-Women of the Moon, an independent sci-fi movie from 1953

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Project Moonbase, 1953

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Killers from Space, 1954

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20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, 1954

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A British television adaptation of George Orwell's 1984, broadcast on BBC Television in December 1954

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It Conquered the World, 1956

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Invasion of the Saucer Men, 1957

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From The Earth to The Moon, 1958

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Quatermass and the Pit, a 6-part serial, 1958


Attack of the Killer Brains: Fiend Without a Face, 1958

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Plan 9 from Outer Space, 1959

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The Wasp Woman, 1959

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Reptilicus, 1961

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The Last Man on Earth, based on the novel I Am Legend by Richard Matheson, 1964

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Mad Max, 1979

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Brave New World, a television adaptation of Aldous Huxley's iconic book, 1980

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Saturn 3, 1980

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The Quiet Earth, 1985

IMDB | trailer Classic Sci-Fi and Fantasy Films That You Can Watch on YouTube